10 Ways to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom (That Aren’t MLMS!)

10 Ways to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom (That Aren't MLMS!)

As a stay-at-home mother, it may be challenging to find even a little amount of time for anything else between the feedings, diaper changes, and attempting to convince your baby to enjoy tummy time. But there are remote jobs you can work from home if you need to support your family with a little additional cash. Since you are in control, you can set your own schedule and determine what sort of side business you will engage in to earn additional cash.

You should be aware that there are various scams out there when you begin to consider the kind of work from home opportunities you may want to pursue. They may seem to be multi-level marketing opportunities, but they are really pyramid scams.

A multi-level marketing company (MLC) engages in direct sales of goods and services to customers. Even though you may attempt to sell the items yourself and earn some money, many of these companies need you to find new members. When they sign up, you get a cut of their sales. Although they may pitch themselves as a multi-level marketing organization, a company is a pyramid scam if you are solely paid dependent on the success of the people you recruit. You’re often taught in these circumstances that you need to acquire additional things before you sell the ones you already have. As a result, you actually lose money instead of earning any.

These scams are to be avoided since they often target stay-at-home mothers who are trying to earn some additional money.

The Best Jobs for Stay-at-Home Moms

As you search for ways to work from home and establish your own hours, there are several honest positions available. No matter whether you’re a SAHM or a stay-at-home dad, any of these occupations from home may earn you more money than you may anticipate.

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1. Start a Daycare or Offer Babysitter Services

10 Ways to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom (That Aren't MLMS!)

Ask any parent how difficult it may be to find a reliable daycare or babysitting service. However, if you have a group of friends who often inquire about babysitting or childcare, you may be able to fill that need.

A babysitter might earn between $13 and $18 per hour. Per kid, of course! At a rate of $15 per hour, only two children per week would cost you $1200 a week. This is just to give you an idea of the earning potential that is available in your living room; you don’t even have to take on that much. While staying at home with your own kid or children, you may work as a sitter to provide your family with additional cash. Additionally, your small ones can playmates!

You must follow the correct procedures if you want to take on a full-fledged daycare at home, which is a more professional approach to child care. This entails obtaining a license and adhering to any applicable regional laws. There will probably be more effort involved, but you will earn more money since you will have more children. This could start to resemble a full-time job. As a SAHM, ask yourself whether you really want that on your plate.

2. Transcriptionist

10 Ways to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom (That Aren't MLMS!)

There are several options available if you’re searching for work from home employment to take a break from Sesame Street and diaper change. One of such jobs is transcribing. You may choose your own schedule as a transcriptionist, even if it means working until three in the morning! One of the numerous benefits is that! Audio files must be transcribed for this position. You may examine a database and choose the transcribing tasks that best suit your skills and schedule after you’ve logged into the system. On average, transcriptionists may earn $15 per hour.

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3. Pet Sitting

10 Ways to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom (That Aren't MLMS!)

Even though you may not be able to do this full-time, if you like animals, providing pet sitting services might help you make additional money. You might volunteer to babysit people’s dogs if you know they are going on vacation or will just be gone for a few days. Many people often search for dog walkers or those who will just watch after their dogs while they are gone. Naturally, you must feel at ease with having a stranger’s pet within your house, and you must ensure that your own children will be secure.

4. Graphic Designer

10 Ways to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom (That Aren't MLMS!)

Many parents who choose to remain at home with their kids give up very wonderful professions to do so. However, it doesn’t mean they can’t still utilize their abilities to work from home. Your side business is ready for you if you are a graphic designer with creative experience. Visit job websites to look for customers in need of graphic design services. This may be done on your timetable, remotely, from home. A graphic designer may earn $35 per hour. Talk about getting your family some extra money! You may eventually average a full-time salary if you manage to attract enough customers.

5. Freelance Writer or Proofreader

10 Ways to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom (That Aren't MLMS!)

If you enjoyed writing before having children, you may wish to go into the freelance writing industry. When it’s convenient for you, you may find jobs writing articles, copywriting, or working as a blogger. Jobs requiring proofreading are the same. You may find companies in need of these services on websites like Upwork and Fiverr. Rates in this area might range widely. In order to be compensated enough for your services, look for jobs that complement your schedule and skill set. These websites may be used to identify side gigs that are popular as well as graphic design employment.

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