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8 ‘Nice Girl’ Habits All Women Need To Break

8 ‘Nice Girl’ Habits All Women Need To Break

Women are under constant pressure in our culture to be kind, lovely, and people-pleasers. We are often advised to be polite, quiet, and stay to ourselves, but the truth is that doing these things won’t help you at all.

Many of us believe that in relationships and the dating scene we must behave in a specific manner or else we won’t get the guy. But a good man would want you to respect yourself and not compromise your dignity in order to win him over. While we may believe that being the “good girl” would ensure our happy ending, we are really undermining ourselves. I’ll list 8 good lady behaviors that every ladies should immediately stop doing below.

1. Cancelling your plans to accommodate him.

There is always the temptation to put everything else on hold to spend time with the new person you are dating while you are still getting to know them. However, if you’ve already made arrangements and he phones you at the eleventh hour, you should respond, “Okay, certainly. I’ll cancel my arrangements,” just gives the impression that you don’t respect yourself and the individuals you had plans with. In addition, it establishes a precedent that the wrong person may exploit.

2. Saying yes to a relationship, too soon.

The excitement of meeting someone new is wonderful since you are learning about them and it is simple to be swept up in the moment. The fact is, getting to know someone takes time. It seems as if you are desperate if you attempt to dive in too quickly. Anyone with common sense will want to take their time and create something from scratch.

3. Having sex before you are ready.

There is a lot of pressure to start having sex right away. We witness people having sex on the first date in movies and assume that if we don’t do the same, we won’t get the man. Making him wait is a certain technique to check his motives, not only that. His intentions weren’t good if he doesn’t desire you because you wouldn’t have sex until you were ready.

4. Saying yes to everything.

It might be tempting to agree to all that someone requests of us when we want to make them happy and don’t want to risk losing them. However, you must set limits for yourself and retain your own life. You cannot possibly say yes to everything, and that is entirely OK. If you are honest about what you can and cannot accomplish, he will appreciate you a lot more.

5. Invest more time in the connection than he does.

Another myth in our culture is that women invest more time and energy in a relationship than men do. We often see ladies making back-to-back calls, pursuing the man, and going to great lengths to win him over. However, the dynamic of the relationship changes when you begin to exert more effort than he does. The truth is that the relationship won’t succeed if you put in more effort since he isn’t investing any.

6. Giving a second chance that is not deserved.

Give him no second opportunity if he betrays your trust, violates your trust, strikes you, or continues to disregard your limits. People do change, and sure, there are exceptions, but that is not what I’m arguing. But deep down, you already know whether or not he’s worth the additional chance.

7. Pretending to be someone else to appease him.

It might come off as flaky when you start changing your preferences for music, fashion, and other things if you’re in a relationship. To be happy with someone, you don’t have to alter who you are. People from many cultures may unite to achieve happiness. Never make an untrue person out of yourself.

8. Self-diminishing behaviors.

You are undermining yourself when he complements you and you respond, “Oh, well, I’m not all that.” When we speak enough poorly about ourselves, particularly at first, others tend to believe us. He doesn’t know much about you, so if you dismiss his opinion by saying, “Nah, I’m not much of anything,” he could regard your word as gospel.

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