Are You Selfish in the Relationship? 19 Signs You’re Being a User

7. Your huge ego is a sign you’re being selfish

You consider losing a debate to be a show of weakness. And you just dislike losing a battle or adjourning a conversation that doesn’t go your way. You act in this way in all aspects of your life, not just in your relationship. If you’re wondering if you’re being selfish, examine your ego to find out.

There you have it if you always want to come out on top in disagreements and never want to apologize first because you want to seem superior. One of the clearest indications that you are being selfish in the relationship is this.

Ask yourself why you always need to win every fight or you prefer being in charge if your ego is constantly on display. No space for ego should exist in a healthy relationship.

8. You can’t trust your partner easily

You genuinely think that you’re the only one you can depend on for happiness, so even if you adore your spouse, you’re never completely comfortable in their company.

Even if you’re dating a fantastic guy or lady, you always put your wants before your lover’s since you believe your partner would do the same thing anyhow! Regardless of your reasoning, the fact that you don’t trust them says a lot about the selfish lover you are.

Without trust, you’ll unintentionally hold them at a distance at all times. You never allow yourself to trust your lover because you always worry that they may betray you and leave you.

9. You can’t be unselfish

It doesn’t matter how hard you try to put your partner’s needs above your own, how hard you try to be kind to them and show them how much you care.

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Every interaction you have with your partner involves you attempting to get a better deal for yourself, whether it’s over a better piece of chicken, a bigger slice of pizza, or something more important like making travel plans. You must constantly be higher than them.

If you do perform a very visible gesture of selflessness, your spouse will be able to see just how “selfless” you are. This is undoubtedly an indication that you are acting selfishly. Every time you prioritize yourself over your spouse, there will come a point when they can no longer put up with it.

10. Competitiveness can answer your question – Am I selfish?

It’s nice to be competitive, but there’s a fine line between that and making harmful compromises. Would you undermine your own spouse or sabotage their ambitions in order to get something for yourself? Being competitive implies that you feel threatened in the relationship, and if you do, you’re inevitably selfish.

In your partnership, there shouldn’t be any place for meaningless competitiveness. Competition encourages selfishness, and that is exactly what this feature is about. Why do you feel the need to criticize your partner all the time? You’re companions for a cause, in all actuality.

11. You don’t apologize

Every time you have to apologize to your lover, do you have a sharp knot in your throat?

You could apologize frequently for insignificant things or when you don’t really mean it. But when it really counts, do you keep your mouth shut or stand up for yourself even when you know you’re in the wrong?

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We’ve already said it, but we’ll say it again. One indication that you are being selfish is if you refuse to apologize. Your ego and pride are impeding your ability to be a decent partner in the relationship. When you first apologize, you immediately feel weak, and that is exactly where you are mistaken.

Although you may not give your actions much thought, your spouse would undoubtedly see you as pompous and selfish. Waiting to apologize can only cause you to lose your relationship one day.

12. Emotional blackmail is a selfish tool

No matter how you look at it, emotional manipulation is a form of selfish low blow. When your spouse doesn’t behave the way you want them to, should you withhold sex, keep quiet, or simply ignore them? Even if your spouse ultimately concedes and moves toward you, they will still have bitterness and irritation in the back of their minds.

Be clear with your partner about what you desire. A selfish strategy for winning disputes is to emotionally hurt your partner and pressure them into giving in.

Relationships aren’t intended to proceed like this. Therefore, if you continually subject people to blackmail, the answer to the question “Am I selfish?” is yes.

13. Control freak

People that are selfish usually want things their way, making them finicky control freaks. According to them, everything must proceed according to plan. It’s a sign of selfishness in a relationship if you frequently try to control your spouse and even certain events or results.

So, this is one of the responses to the question, “Am I selfish?” Being a control freak needs to cease because it hurts your relationship. Even worse, your partner could be grumbling about you in private.

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