How to Survive those Public Toddler Tantrums

How to Survive those Public Toddler Tantrums

Tantrums are a normal aspect of our kids’ development. We are all aware that the “terrible twos” are a genuine phenomenon after the kid reaches the age of two. Parents, you need not fear; I am here to assure you that the “terrible twos” actually continue for two years rather than just one. Yes, there is a “terrible twos” phase, but there is also a “threenager” phase, which is a hilarious moniker for the beautiful “terrible twos” second year.

I don’t know about the other parents out there, but I can tell you that I was really afraid that one of my son’s frequent temper tantrums might occur in public. the anxiety associated with not knowing where, when, or in front of whom that tantrum might occur. I started to ask myself some really practical questions, like: How would I respond if my son was throwing a fit in front of everyone? What kind of response to my child’s public outbursts is appropriate? Will I be assessed? Would my son’s terrible day be looked down upon? These worries are common among us; they are just normal! But as mothers, we must remember that we all have terrible days and refrain from passing judgment on one another when we observe another mother juggling a challenging toddler.

How to Survive those Public Toddler Tantrums

The “terrible twos” for my son officially began the day he turned two. On the morning of his second birthday, he had his two-year-old visit, and I can clearly recall our physician asking me if my kid had started throwing tantrums. Of course, I was telling the truth when I replied that he hadn’t begun throwing a fit, but man, did I curse myself. I went to the shop to pick up some last-minute party goodies for my son’s birthday after his doctor’s visit. As we hurried by the toy aisle in Target, something unexpected happened. My youngster collapsed in the center of the floor and started screaming and weeping. It was all my fault for not getting him the item he desired. Normally, I don’t give in easily when my kid is unhappy about something, but at that particular time, I was more than just humiliated by my son’s temper tantrum and almost caved. He started to throw a fit, and by the time I tried to pick him up, he had essentially transformed into a floppy noodle. I was fumbling with the cart, attempting to soothe my son and maintain my cool while I dealt with my first outburst in public. I’ve been telling myself to stop worrying about what other people will think of how I manage my son because every parent has been in this circumstance while I strive to react correctly.

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How to Survive those Public Toddler Tantrums

I’ve included some advice below that has personally helped me deal with those challenging times when I’m out and about with a toddler who is throwing tantrums. I hope they also assist you!

For Best You -