One-Sided Friendship: 15 Clear Signs It’s Time to Cut Them Loose

How to handle a one-sided friendship

Sit down and give some serious thought to what your friend does, or doesn’t do, and how frequently. We all slack off periodically, so perhaps they’re simply going through a rough patch right now. Give them some time to see if anything changes in that scenario.

However, in the majority of situations, nothing is wrong; this individual is simply a terrible friend.

Sometimes it’s difficult to say goodbye to people, especially to those you believed you could rely on. Though occasionally we give the wrong people our time and attention and open up to those who don’t deserve it.

You were bold enough to be open and vulnerable with someone and attempt to develop a genuine bond, so don’t berate yourself for it. Things’s not your fault that it didn’t work out.

Your one-sided friendship next steps?

You can choose to cut your losses and move on, or you can talk to your friend and express how you feel. It’s unlikely, but not absolutely impossible, that they will fully alter their behavior.

Sit down, speak things out, and try to be as explicit as you can without using language that completely blames them if you want to give it one final shot. Even though you might want to point the finger at them, communication skills are crucial.

Instead of saying “you always,” use “I feel that,” or “I think that.” Give them a chance and maintain an open mind. You’ve chosen to discuss it with them, therefore you must follow through on your choice. Don’t, however, give them an eternity to do nothing about the problems you’ve brought up.

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if not, what should I do? Bid them farewell by raising your hand in the air and waving it back and forth. You are capable of more.

During the course of reading this, a few buddies most likely entered your mind. Very nice. You must now choose whether or not to cut ties with them now that you are aware of all the telltale indications of a one-sided friendship.

For Best You -