It appears that the current society is intended to break apart families. We are always connected to the outside world, yet disconnected from one another. More than how much “love” they provide, our kids are more focused on how many “likes” they receive. It is not impossible to raise a child that values their family and is courteous; it simply takes time and effort. Put away your phone and laptop, and try one or more of these suggestions.
Volunteer Together
Observing what others lack is the best way to increase gratitude for what you do have. Volunteer at a foodbank or soup kitchen with your entire family. During the Christmas season, adopt a family and include your kids in choosing gifts for other kids. Offer to provide meals to the bedridden. Spend time with the elderly who don’t have relatives by paying them visits in a nursing facility.
Your children will learn firsthand through any of these activities how fortunate they are to have a roof over their heads, food on the table, and family to share it with. Additionally, it will prepare them for a lifetime of volunteerism, which is crucial because there will always be people in need.
Share Chores
Children must comprehend the dedication required to maintain a home. Children will have a much greater understanding of the amount of labor needed after they witness what their parents go through to ensure that hot meals are cooked each evening, clean clothing are hung in the closet, and the house is clean and neat.
You should expect your kids to clear the table and put dishes in the dishwasher after they have helped you prepare meals. Ask them to assist you with folding and storing your clothing. Any child may assist around the house, regardless of their age. While older children may vacuum and even clean bathrooms, younger children can place their own toys and dust.