Three DIY steps to organize kitchen cabinets


Step 1: Set the scene

Choose the location of the grouped objects in the cabinet to start. Remember the previous configuration while you plan the new layout, and take into account things like the objects you use the most and whether you are a right- or left-handed person for simple retrieval. Make a note of the arrangement on the post-it notes to prevent forgetting, then follow the instructions in the next step.

Step 2: Plan for each part of the cabinet

Any kitchen cabinet plan you choose must abide by these two crucial rules;
Organize by zone: The kitchen has five distinct areas. The pantry and refrigerator are located in the consumable area, which is close to the cleanup and preparation facilities. The non-consumable section, which is close to the cleanup area, is where small appliances, plates, cups, and eating utensils are kept. The consumables, non-consumables, and preparation spaces are close to the clean-up, which includes a sink, dishwasher, and bins. The hob and oven are located in the cooking area, which is where the magic happens. The vicinity of the preparation and consumption zones is the optimal placement for the cooking zone. The food preparation area, which also includes a rooftop, should be close to the consumables and cleanup areas. Keep the objects you use the most close at hand in each location, and keep the stuff you use the least far away.

Organize by type: Glassware and ceramic goods should be placed on various shelves in your cabinet, depending on the materials they are made of. For convenience of access, arrange related kitchen goods in groups on one cabinet. Keep in mind that heavier objects belong on lower shelves while lighter items go on higher levels.

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Use the “golden triangle” idea if the aforementioned recommendations don’t work in your kitchen. This theory contends that a kitchen has three primary work areas—the stove, sink, and refrigerator—and that they should be arranged such that they form a triangle. Draw a diagram of your available space and the placement of any readily moved appliances to create the triangle.

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