23 Ways to Not Fall In Love With Someone Who Will End Up Hurting You

How not to fall in love with someone

Having a difficult time controlling your desire to fall deeply in love with someone? Here are some pointers that can help you avoid falling in love. If you take these actions, you’ll be able to gather your thoughts and leave the thoughts behind for good within a few weeks.

1. Distract yourself

Keep your thinking free of this person’s influence. It’s possible to quit thinking about this individual despite how difficult it may appear to do so.

Keep yourself occupied with novel endeavors that demand your focus. And if you feel alone or bored, choose another pleasurable activity.

2. Don’t be a stalker

Avoid checking this person’s Facebook or Instagram every hour to see what they’ve been up to, as fulfilling as it may feel to keep up with their personal life.

Your obsession with this individual will increase the role they have in your life. Reduce how frequently you visit their social media accounts each day to finally start ignoring them entirely.

3. Don’t be a people pleaser

It’s OK to decline an invitation or occasionally treat this individual rudely. Learn to say no occasionally if this person is someone you know really well and they constantly ask you to hang together.

Keep in mind that your goal is to recover here. Your wound will enlarge and deepen the more time you spend with them.

4. Don’t get too friendly

With this individual, avoid having lengthy chats. Most essential, refrain from discussing personal information about each other’s life over the phone or in late-night texting.

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You must keep in mind that in this situation, falling more deeply in love with this person is not desirable at all; rather, it prevents you from being friends with them. In return, they receive a “friend” who goes above and above for them. How is this agreement even fair?

5. Remember their bad side

Everyone has weaknesses. And searching out and dwelling on someone’s imperfections all the time is one of the finest ways to get over them. Remember their negative traits or the hurtful things they have said to you every time you encounter them or think of them.

It will work much better if you even write out a list of the reasons you should quit loving this person and refer to it sometimes.

6. Avoid getting physically intimate

Every time you hold their hand or cuddle up next to them, you can have a floating-on-the-clouds sensation. But as soon as you turn away from them, you’ll fall to the earth.

Avoid attempting to approach this individual physically, even if it seems foolish to do so. It won’t help you at all.

7. Focus on someone else

Sometimes, going beneath someone else is the quickest way to get by someone. Try to focus on someone else if you’re finding it difficult to get your mind off of the person you love.

It can be a second date or a few days of flirtatious conversation. Sometimes, the simplest and most enjoyable method to keep oneself from falling completely in love with someone is to flirt with someone else.

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