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6 Best Ways To Dry Your Nail Polish Faster

6 Best Ways To Dry Your Nail Polish Faster

This post is for you if you enjoy painting your nails but detest having to wait for the polish to dry. No situation is more annoying than going to bed with freshly painted nails only to wake up to discover your hard work destroyed. The same holds true if your nail polish won’t dry and you’re running late for a restaurant or meeting. Do you need to know a quick way to dry your nail polish? We have compiled a number of simple and efficient techniques that will enable you to expedite the tediously slow procedure.

Furthermore, you already have most of the equipment you need at home!

6 Foolproof Ways To Speed Up Your Nail Polish Drying Time

1. Freeze It Out

The best way to get your polish to dry faster may be to dip your fingernails in ice-cold water. It’s also absurdly easy!

What you require

Step-By-Step Tutorial

  1. Fill a bowl with cold tap water, some ice cubes, and set it aside before you start painting your nails.
  2. After finishing painting your nails, wait two to three minutes for the lacquer to dry completely before dipping them into the basin.
  3. For around three to five minutes, leave them inside.
  4. You will notice water beading on the surface of your nails when you take your hands out of the bowl. This is an obvious indication that your polish is finished drying.

2. Use A Blow Dryer

We’re looking for the fantastic environment!

What You Need

Step-By-Step Tutorial

  1. Put your hair dryer on the coldest setting and plug it in.
  2. After you’ve finished painting your nails, move the dryer around them for two to three minutes in tiny, circular motions. Just be careful not to use too much pressure or hold it too near to your nails since doing so may cause your lacquer to ripple.

3. Spray On Some Cooking Oil Or Hairspray

The drying period of nail paint can be sped up by a quick spray of non-stick frying oil. If you run out of frying oil, you may also use a little hairspray.

What You Need

Step By Step Tutorial

  1. After painting your nails, spritz some cooking spray over the manicure that hasn’t yet dried.
  2. With your hand around 30 centimeters from the can, hold it. By doing this, the power of the spray is prevented from smudging the wet polish.
  3. Before washing your hands with cold water, wait a few minutes.

4. Buy Yourself A Drying Spray Or Drops

Your wait time will be halved if you use a professional nail polish drying spray or drops. These items make your nails seem incredibly polished in addition to aiding in the paint’s rapid drying time. The skin surrounding your cuticles is additionally nourished and treated by them.

5. Thin It Out

Applying numerous thin layers of nail paint, as opposed to a single thick coat, allows your nails to swiftly dry in between coats. It also gives you a finish that is more uniform. Even while it can feel like your manicure is taking a very long time, it actually doesn’t. Actually, you’re drastically reducing the entire drying time.

6. Add A Quick-Dry Top Coat

The simplest technique to dry nails faster is probably to get a transparent layer of nail paint that has been expressly designed to reduce drying time. In addition, several of the formulations assert that they will give your nails a glossy sheen, stop them from peeling, and keep your manicure looking good for longer. The best thing is that you can get some quite effective drugstore solutions for incredibly modest costs.

Let go of the difficult periods when you had to consider your nail-painting decision a thousand times before doing it. With the help of this instruction, you may dry your nail paint more quickly without worrying, allowing you to show off some gorgeous nails instead. Therefore, you may paint those gorgeous nails and follow our recommendations to dry them quickly the next time you need to go out for brunch or to a party but your nails are not done. Your nail polish will almost immediately dry, so whether you freeze it out or spray some cooking oil, you’ll be party-ready in no time.

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