Are You Selfish in the Relationship? 19 Signs You’re Being a User

1. Laziness

Do you typically get pumped up to do something you like? Do you rapidly become bored or restless and want to escape if your spouse wants to do something you’re not especially enthused about? It may be something as straightforward as doing a task or going clothing shopping together.

If just your own interests thrill you and sharing your partner’s enjoyment from their interests means nothing to you, it’s a solid indication that you’re a rather egocentric person.

One indication that you’re being selfish is when your spouse constantly accompanies your hobbies and desires, but you never do the same for them. If you want your relationship to succeed, neither of you should be complacent.

2. You’re selfish if your partner usually gives in

Do you typically end up getting your way whenever there is a dispute about what to do or where to go, even if doing so makes your spouse unhappy or less-than-happy? Your lover could cave every time because they genuinely care about your happiness and unconditionally adore you.

But it won’t be long before they begin to feel as though their needs and wants are not being met in the relationship. In order to determine whether you are being selfish, consider whether your spouse always lets you do what you want. Their patience won’t continue forever.

A partnership is about giving and receiving, therefore if they are the only ones providing, then there will be neglect. Don’t hold off till then.

3. You believe your partner nags you

Do you ever notice that your partner keeps saying the same things to you over and over again? For example, “Can you pick up the towel?” for example, “Did you forget that?”

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Even while it could anger you to constantly hear your spouse nag you, you should understand that they are only doing it because you aren’t paying attention to them.

Happy relationships don’t have nags because both partners make an effort to make the other person happy, even if it means putting themselves in each other’s way sometimes.

Therefore, before you assume your spouse is nagging you, consider whether you’re doing your part and meeting them halfway. If not, it will constantly come across as nagging to you.

4. You believe what YOU do in life is more meaningful and worthwhile

This is one of the indications that you’re being selfish, if you’re wondering what they are. Although you could earn more money or have a better career, this does not entitle you to special treatment in the relationship. You are being egotistical and selfish if you honestly think that you are more significant and that your ideas count more.

Because you earn more money, there is obviously an imbalance in the relationship, and here is where your selfishness is most obvious. One should never take precedence over the other in a relationship since it is a collaboration. That behavior is blatantly self-centered.

5. Your partner is flawed

Because you think they aren’t good enough for you, you perceive your partner’s flaws and want them to change for you. Even though you too possess the same problems, you believe they are less relevant in your situation. Even if you are not so great yourself, all you can notice are their shortcomings.

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Gaining weight is a good illustration of this. You can desire your companion to reduce weight because you think they currently don’t seem attractive. On the other side, you can be obese and not feel the need to lose weight or improve your appearance for your partner.

This is not only unjust to your spouse, but it also makes your relationship’s blatant double standards clear. Accept their weaknesses as well as your own if you want to be a better relationship. If it really upsets you, take care of yourself and you’ll probably inspire your spouse as well.

6. You want it your way

Even when your spouse has other ideas, you always want to do things your way or visit areas you enjoy. You pout or sulk the entire time if your spouse persuades you to do something different or go somewhere else.

And as soon as your lover accedes to your demands and follows your instructions, you quickly feel better and cuddle up to them. Always and only, you want things to go your way. Anything else makes you uncomfortable, and you start acting passive-aggressively against your spouse.

When did your requirements overtake theirs? When you show your lover attention, they may feel nice on the outside, but on the inside, all they would be thinking is what a spoiled child you are!

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