During lockdown, did spending more time engaging in your favorite activities rekindle old interests or uncover brand-new ones? Or has your employment insecurity caused you to second-guess your future plans? Regardless, the epidemic has caused many of us to reevaluate our goals, methods of employment, and leisure activities.
According to Grace Marshall, a coach and the author of Struggle: The Surprising Truth, Beauty, And Opportunity Hidden In Life’s Sh*ttier Experiences, “The human potential to rise up from life’s shittier moments is tremendous.” Life can be quite difficult at times, yet opportunity frequently arises from difficulty, as we have seen.
A new generation of adult learners emerged from lockdown full of energy and enthusiasm after pursuing their hobbies and engaging their brains in a fresh way, whether it was learning a language, brushing up on their computer skills, or producing vegetables. A combination of people looking to upskill to meet the demands of a demanding and changing work environment and those looking to use their free time in a more constructive way, rather than binge-watching yet another Netflix series, led to a 300 percent increase in searches for online courses in the spring of 2020.
Sixteen percent of women are contemplating a total job shift, according to a recent poll by the professional women’s network Allbright, while fifty percent of 1,000 women surveyed said they had started a new pastime in the previous year.
According to author and coach Joanne Mallon, individuals are becoming more courageous and asking more profound questions. Life is too short to be miserable, it is said. People are willing to make significant adjustments to ensure that their employment has significance, according to her. In her book Find Your Why, she describes a sensation of floating through life, and she argues that this is a mindset in which individuals may become trapped when they lack purpose, don’t know what their mission is, or don’t know how to find it. The “why” that motivates us is purpose.
Mallon advises asking yourself questions and keeping an eye out for recurring patterns in your responses. For further information, check the section below titled “Learning for enjoyment.” You may also get suggestions on what you could be good at by asking others who are close to you where they believe your talents lie.