11 Things You Should Never Do Just After You Wake Up

Check Your Emails

Are you one of those persons that picks up the phone as soon as their alarm sounds? A Sleep Advisor survey of 1,000 Americans revealed that 17% of them read their emails first thing in the morning. Although it may seem like you are being productive, all you are really doing is raising your stress levels.

11 Things You Should Never Do Just After You Wake Up

The fact that so many of us use our phones as alarm clocks is one of the reasons why individuals find themselves reading their emails first thing in the morning. Even before using the restroom or making your bed, you checked your email, which results in follow-ups, answers, and stress. Your morning has been planned for you rather than you taking your time and relaxing.

The answer? Get a traditional alarm clock that is not connected to your phone to avoid the temptation to check your emails immediately away.

Hop on Social Media

Most people have at least one social media account in addition to email accounts. Whether you are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, or another platform, it’s likely that you scan the postings as soon as you wake up to see what’s hot. Avoid doing that.

11 Things You Should Never Do Just After You Wake Up

Your brain needs time to refocus and prepare for the day, which you are not providing it. Instead, you are inundating your brain with information, which may potentially cause it to become overloaded. Keep in mind that you are emerging from a restful time of sleep. You shouldn’t check your phone until after you have fully awakened, eaten, and are either leaving the house, going to work, or seated at the home office.

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